Do you know what your body shop business is worth?

Many smaller body shop owners have asked, “How do I appraise my body shop?” In the last month I have been asked to do two appraisals on body shops. The first appraisal was to assist in partnership dissolution; t second appraisal was for marriage dissolution. (That is what the attorneys call a divorce.) Would you like to know how to appraise the value of a body shop business?

Before we begin, I would like to make one comment. Whenever a CPA has done an appraisal of a body shop, I find that their opinion of value is much greater than the actual value the market place will pay. This is not because the CPA’s do not know what they are doing because they do; it is just that the market place places a much higher risk on buying a body shop than the accountants do. The following is an excerpt from one of those appraisals.


1. The ASSET VALUATION METHOD. This method is basically used when a body shop does less than $400,000 a year in gross income and the seller is making wages, but no real profit above what he would be paid if working for another. On this size business, a buyer is willing to pay for the assets of the business but little or nothing for goodwill. The equipment is usually worth between $50,000 and $100,000, depending on how many frame machines the business owns and how nice a spray booth the business owns.

I have seen some specialized shops sell for more than the above number because they have a truck spray booth or another business attached to the main business. Examples of attached business might be an auto repair shop or towing operation. Also the location, size and real estate rental amount will influence the value of any business, to some degree.

2. The second method, I call the G

Pay Less Tax By Claiming Mileage Allowance Expenses

First examine the facts as they exist in the current financial year 2007-08. The current approved mileage allowances were set five years ago in the financial year 2002-03 and while the current rates in no way reflect the increases in fuel costs in recent years that all businesses including small business. The Inland Revenue is actually considering a revised scale of tax allowances that may even lower the overall amount that can be claimed which will be detrimental to small business.


The approved mileage allowance for cars and vans is 40p per mile for the first 10,000 business miles and 25p per mile for each business mile over 10,000 miles in each tax year. The approved mileage allowance for motor cycles is 24p per mile for the first 10,000 business miles and 24p per mile for each business mile over 10,000 miles in each tax year. The approved mileage allowance for bicycles is 20p per mile for the first 10,000 business miles and 20p per mile for each business mile over 10,000 miles in each tax year.

Mileage allowances are not necessarily relevant to the business travel costs incurred. The purchase price of a new motor vehicle would not be unusually 100 times the price of a bicycle, plus vehicle maintenance costs, vehicle insurance, licence fees and substantial fuel charges in operating the motor vehicle compared with zero costs for a bicycle. Few small businesses claim tax allowances for bicycle business journeys in their small business accounts.

Amazing that vehicle allowances are only double those claimabl;e if using a bicycle which has no running costs and can be purchased brand new for not much more than it costs for a single tank full of petrol. Not that many people are likely to use a bicycle and cover in excess of 10,000 business miles in a single tax year.

An additional 5p per business mile may also be claimed as a tax free expense if a fellow passenger is also carried on the business journey in the small business accounting records. That fellow passenger must also be on a work journey to enable the mileage allowance to be claimed in the small business accounts


Generally there are specific rules on justifying a business journey and the information that must be supplied to support the claim for a

Getting Out The Word

Getting Out the Word Small Business Edition by Linda Lullie, Inspired 2 Design, LLCAt this very moment there are AT LEAST 9 other companies competing for YOUR customers.   How will you convince them to buy from you?    Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers – ever wonder what did he do with them once he’d picked them all? Marketing is the process of picking, preparing, and pricing a product (or service) to promote for purchase. Peter may very well have gone into the salsa business, opened a produce stand, or a restaurant. But how did he draw customers in and get them to buy his spicy product?     The success of any business depends upon its ability to attract, and retain, customers. When you started your company you decided many of the marketing strategies needed to bring a product or service to market. These strategies include how your business solves a problem or fills a need, and who your target market is, then you open the store. Now it’s time to drive traffic to your front door.    Promotion is the process and the product of “getting out the word”. Rarely does a product or service arise that does not require some type of promotion to generate sales.    There are three major strategies to connect with customers. Although each method can be effective independently, utilize a combination for a well-rounded marketing plan. A multi-channel approach utilizes Advertising (the production and placement of ads) with the personal interaction of Sales, and the least expensive – yet least controllable channel, Public Relations. Armed with all three, savvy business owners construct an arsenal of promotion tools. Your must determine which form of which method to use when and with whom – then evaluate cost effectiveness by a cost per response ratio.     Advertising is, in its most simple form, the practice of informing the public about your goods or services – and compelling them to make a purchase. You control the message – which should be consistent with your identity, the placement – which should be targeted, and the frequency and timing – which should be often enough to remind your customers of who you are and what you do. Many believe that the average person must be exposed to an ad piece seven times to be motivated by it. The message should produce awareness and effectively maintain a positive image of your company, goods and services – while persuading the public that your goods or services outperform competitors. Getting the 411    When it comes to deciding where to spend advertising dollars, start with the basic Yellow Pages ad. All directory ads have one thing in common – they supply information to a consumer who is ready to buy a product or service. Therefore, directory ads represent the one time when you need not convince the consumer to buy – you just need to convince them to buy FROM YOU.  Your ad will be surrounded by competitors’ ads for the same or similar goods and services.     So, how do you convince the customer to hire you? First, your ad has to be seen. Second, your ad has to scream experience and reliability. Getting noticed is priority, so make sure your ad is under the heading that is most commonly sought after for your product or service. You don’t want an Air Conditioning business listed under Retirement Homes. Often there will be multiple categories for an ad under, so look through the book before you place the call. Multiple listings should also yield a discounted rate.     Size matters! The bigger the ad, the more noticeable it will be, and the more information you can include. Look at competitors, look at your budget and then purchase the largest space you can afford. Content must-haves include products/services off

Basic Steps To Take Before Opening A Clothing Retail Clothing Store

Setting up a clothing retail store is said to be the easiest line of business that anyone can think of. Mostly because the capital required to start a clothing retail store is quite minimal, and that selling them is quite easy because of its huge demand by its devoted community. Now this is a common misconception by many inexperienced businessmen or women that wants an easy way to profit. No businesses profit by just letting them cook under the sun. You’ll have to have that knack for businesses, that sort of inborn or inherited skill in handling a business. So simply starting your clothing retail business with no sort of goal or organization, your business will surely fall quickly.



When you want to start your own business, in this case a clothing retail store, it’s required that you must have the knowledge required to handle and maintain this kind of business. Experience is above all the most important part of it, including a strong will of facing many adversities and risks that comes along the way.


If you do have the experience and a headstrong will to face risks and adversities, then you’re pretty much on your way. Having experience in handling or once worked on a clothing retail store, you must probably know how to manage this business, but starting it is another thing.



Here are some guidelines before opening your own clothing retail business.


Type of Business

Why Should a Growing Business Invest in a CRM Software!!

Facts that establish the need for CRM software for growing business


If you are in a mood to turn your business into a fast-growing one, then you need to be ready to manage multiple activities which will seek your attention constantly. As a busy business professional, it will not be an easy task for you to fulfill all demands coming from different sides. If precautions are not taken then the time may arrive where you will miss out major activities which are contributing towards business expansion. If you can act in a tactful manner then your time and energy can be used in right track ensuring the business growth. Here CRM software can be of great help and will ensure a good rate of business growth. You may be wondering as to how CRM software will support you in managing your business well. We are going to share with you a few facts about the benefits which you may enjoy when you switch to such software.

Smooth management of customer interaction:

From the viewpoint of business, as the owner, you need to make an investment of time in building a good rapport with the customer for establishing a strong relationship. Businesses need to go for a diverse range of communication with the loyal customer base. Too many complexities in daily operations distract businesses from doing healthy customer interaction. Right in this situation, CRM software will support businesses in establishing healthy customer relationships. Using a CRM platform, businesses big and small can initiate as well as manage conversation threads with the complete customer base. CRM software will actually help towards building amicable relationships with every individual customer the business is having.

Taking advantage of leverage points:


For experiencing incremental growth, all business firms must follow the popular 80:20 Pareto principle for growth. Based on this rule, the important and vital 20% will be responsible for contributing for 80% growth of the business.

Banking on this golden rule it is mandatory for all business to focus towards identifying that critical 20% business customer. Successful businesses will also be capable to eliminate that section of business whose existence doesn’t make any major difference towards their operations. For supporting business CRM software make a perfect combination of all major business operations remaining on the single platform. It consolidates a complete range of data in the unified platform. You as the business owner can now generate-critical reports giving accurate insights towards regular business operations. In this manner, you will be capable to concentrate on those particular sections of business activities which create a serious impact on business growth. You will now be in a position to achieve your business targets in a smooth manner.

Business Turnaround Consultants – Identifying the Competencies Required

Business Turnaround Consultants – Identifying the Competencies Required

Business turnaround consultants are business optimization experts who provide advice on business development, business restructuring, business revitalization and business turnaround strategies. They have a vast business experience in providing assistance to business enterprises in the areas of business strategy, business planning and business operations. Business turnaround consultants are capable of assisting business establishments that are facing financial challenges, those that are experiencing internal inefficiencies and those that want to increase their business profitability.

A business turnaround consultant is primarily an information-based professional. He or she has a thorough understanding of business policies and practices, business execution, business development and business restructuring. This enables them to recommend key actions to take for each specific case

iness improvement opportunities and developing a business turnaround strategy to execute these opportunities. Third, business turnaround consultants should have experience in working with business enterprises in a variety of organizational functions and business environment settings. Although most business turnaround consultants come from busine